Building Better with Building Science
The Environments For Living® program is the leading, national turn-key program designed to assist builders in constructing and marketing homes utilizing the principles of building science — homes that offer energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality and durability benefits. Our flagship level, the Environments For Living® Certified Green program, includes such additional benefits as interior water conservation and appliance efficiency.
There are now more than 100,000 homes across the United States that have been constructed by builders under the Environments For Living® program. The program starts with a pre-construction plan review of your builder's plans to ensure compliance with the program's stringent requirements. Much of what our program requires, described in the table below, may seem to be things all builders should do, and things all homes should have. The surprising answer is that the conventional code-built homes today are not built to these specifications and do not offer these benefits.
Some of these building techniques have esoteric names like "air pressure balancing," but they deliver important results. A lot of our program requirements cover things inside the walls, so you can't actually see them. But you'll experience the difference, in key areas like indoor environmental quality, durability and comfort.
Our flagship level, the Environments For Living® Certified Green program, includes more environmentally beneficial features and benefits, such as indoor water efficiency and appliance and lighting efficiency.
The program offers your builder different levels of participation. No matter which level your builder chooses, your home will have many distinct advantages over homes that are constructed to meet conventional code requirements. And for each, Masco Home Services offers you the homeowner limited guarantees on heating and cooling energy use, and comfort. We're able to offer these guarantees because our program specifications make your home work as a system. Guaranteed performance. It's another benefit you'll get with an Environments For Living® home that goes beyond the ordinary.
Gold Level Checklist
Princeton Classic Homes Homes is ranked in the Gold Level of the Environments for Living® Program. Download the checklist to read more or visit the Environments for Living website.
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